We have pets. No, hell didn't freeze over. Dayna offered this fish tank to us, and I decided it was time. Thanks to Spencer who dropped it off last night. Ian has chosen the 5 fish he will keep as his pets. He named them: Orangey, Reddy, Spot, Goldilocks, and Kurt. It was an exciting night at our house. The fish moved into their new room, right next to Ian's bed. He has decided he must sleep in his bed now because he's the fishes "big brother" and must take care of them. Maybe they will be good for something?
Ya tenemos mascotas. No se congeló el infierno. Dayna nos ofreció ese tanque y yo decidí que es el tiempo. Gracias a Tío Spencer quien nos llevó el tanque desde California. Fue muy emocionante todo. Ian escogió los 5 pescaditos que quiere y pusó los nombres: Orangey (Anaranjadito), Reddy (Rojito), Spot, Goldilocks, y Kurt. El tanque está a lado de su cama y Ian dijó que es el hermano mayor de los pescados y tiene que dormir en el cuarto siempre para cuidar los pescaditos. Puede ser una cosa buena. ¿Cierto?