Thursday, May 31, 2007

Art or Science?

I'm not sure what I found more impressive the art or the science. Mimi was watching Ian last week while I was at work and got out the play dough for him. He created the life cycle of a frog. You'll note it starts at egg and moves through to the frog. We hadn't been talking about it or anything. I loved his sculptures, but I was more surprised that he knew the life cycle of a frog.
No sé lo que fue mas impresionante el arte o la ciencia. Mi mamá estaba cuidandole la semana pasada mientras trabajé, y le pasó la arcilla. Ian hizó el ciclo de la vida de una rana. Puedes ver el huevo primero hasta que llega de ser rana. No hemos habaldo de eso pero lo tenía en mente. Me encantó sus esculturas, pero me quedó mas sorprendida que supó el ciclo de la vida de una rana.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Ian played his first T-ball game last night. He got three good hits and had a lot of fun. Of course, the best part was flirting with the enemy, Jordan from his preschool class. Who after the game informed me that, "We could call him her boyfriend." Fabulous.

Ian jugó su primer partido de beisbol anoche. Pegó la pelota bien fuerte 3 veces y disfrutó de la experiencía. Su parte favorita fue coqueteando con el enemigo, Jordan una niña de la escuela. Despues el partido ella me dijó -Podemos decir que Ian es mi novio. Fabuloso. Hola Cara chica.

Monday, May 14, 2007


We have pets. No, hell didn't freeze over. Dayna offered this fish tank to us, and I decided it was time. Thanks to Spencer who dropped it off last night. Ian has chosen the 5 fish he will keep as his pets. He named them: Orangey, Reddy, Spot, Goldilocks, and Kurt. It was an exciting night at our house. The fish moved into their new room, right next to Ian's bed. He has decided he must sleep in his bed now because he's the fishes "big brother" and must take care of them. Maybe they will be good for something?
Ya tenemos mascotas. No se congeló el infierno. Dayna nos ofreció ese tanque y yo decidí que es el tiempo. Gracias a Tío Spencer quien nos llevó el tanque desde California. Fue muy emocionante todo. Ian escogió los 5 pescaditos que quiere y pusó los nombres: Orangey (Anaranjadito), Reddy (Rojito), Spot, Goldilocks, y Kurt. El tanque está a lado de su cama y Ian dijó que es el hermano mayor de los pescados y tiene que dormir en el cuarto siempre para cuidar los pescaditos. Puede ser una cosa buena. ¿Cierto?

Friday, May 04, 2007


Sometimes Ian is a clown.....literally.

A veces Ian es un payaso.....literalmente.

Ian Meets Oslo-----Finally!

Ian was excited to meet Oslo for the first time. Isn't he cute? Ian is a great cousin. He helped Oslo out by running his legs for a little exercise and he by holding him carefully. He asked Pepper if he could hold him standing up. That hasn't happened yet, but a guy can always hope.
Mr. Oslo
Olso getting some exercise.
Two cute cousins meet in Monterey!
(Ian con su primo nuevo, Oslo)

The Tide Pools in Monterey

One of Ian's favorite things to do is look for "treasures" at the tide pools. Ian found a shell he just had to have and found away to get it.

Fuimos a Monterey, California e Ian le encanta buscar tesoros en las rocas. (Es una de las cosas que el se recuerda bien de Chile también.) En esa ocasion, se encontró una caracol que simplemente tuvó que recoger. ¡Lo hizó!