The other night I found Ian and his friend Kelle roasting marshmellows over a very small fire in the gutter. (They were being supervised by Kelle's much older brother; he just didn't want to be in the picture.) Ian loves Kelle because she is a real tomboy! As we walked home, Ian mentioned he was going to light a fire of his own. I said, "You can't light a fire until you are 16!" "AHH MOM!" He protested. Maybe 16 is a stretch, but at least the topic is dropped for now....and the matches are well hidden!
La otra noche encontré Ian y su amiga Kelle cocinando "marshmellows" sobre un incendio bien chiquitito en la calle. (No se preocupe, el hermano grande estaba supervisando; no quisó estar en la foto no mas.) ¡Ian le encanta Kelle porque ella es un marimacho total! Cuando fuimos a la casa Ian dijó que iba a prender su propio incendio. Le dijé -No puedes prender un incendio hasta que tienes 16 años. -AHH Mamá, protestó. Quizás 16 es demasiado, pero por lo menos olvidamos de la tema por ahora......y los fosferos están bien escondidos.
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